Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Day in Roxas City

Yesterday, 12/29/12, we went to Roxas City for my brother's basketball game. It was unfortunately the last day of their WV National PRISAA (Western Visayas PRIvate School Athletic Association) but we got to watch their last two games including the championship round so it was still good.

Roxas City is one of my favorite out of town places to visit mainly because of the seafood. Haha, There's no other place than the 'Seafood Capital of the Philippines'! Sadly, my camera's battery life died as soon as our food arrived (talk about unlucky and lesson learned: BRING EXTRA BATTS). But we enjoyed every bite of it! It was also my Auntie from Australia's first time to go there. And did I mention we only went there for a day? We got up by 4:30 am and left the city by 5:30 am and approximately arrived by 9 am just in time for my brother's game.

So here are a FEW pictures that I took.. Enjoy your meal! ;)

 Shattered bahay kubo caused by Typhoon Quinta :(

 My little (not so little) brother in his game! *blurry pic alert
 This was a funny shot! My brother was tinkering with his camera and he accidentally clicked it and this came out! HAHAHA it was so random! 

 Selfie ooops :D
My mom

I will be back for you, Roxas! :)

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